Internet Advertising Revenue

According to an IAB Internet Advertising Revenue report from, Internet advertising revenues in the U.S. totaled $12.1 billion for the first six months of 2010. Search has been the leading format since 2005 and continues to be lead as can be seen in the following chart.

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From the same IAB report, it can be seen that Internet advertising revenue has seen a steady climb since 2003 and if one were to apply technical analysis as in the stock market - is Internet advertising revenue poised to make a breakout in the second half of 2010?

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IAB further reports "$6.4 Billion in Q3 2010 Sets New Record for Internet Advertising Revenues" in a Nov/2010 Press Release.

Take particular note that as traditional advertising dollars are shifted to online advertising, search continues to climb with a potential for a breakout in 2010, while the other advertising formats are either flat or declining.

This above data supports the strategy for advertising revenue websites to gain search engine visibility through SEO backlink building efforts.

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