
The Beginnings

This website was seriously contemplated in August 2010 after several weeks of consideration. It is not my first attempt at creating a website venture. In the past as well as in the few weeks leading up to the genesis of this website, I studied the basic business models including subscription service, advertising revenue, selling products, etc. Independent of the revenue source, I again realized that compelling content is first and foremost the element of importance. After that, the website has to be marketed and promoted via paid advertising, organic growth in search engine results ranking, viral advertising through referrals and sharing (social networking), etc.

Although there are many elements in creating, promoting, sustaining and growing a website venture, I am resolute in my focus on creating interesting, useful and compelling content which will not only bring initial visitors but will bring return visitors to my site. At the end of the day, the other elements have to be addressed as well but I am presently concentrating on creating the right infrastructure for the type of content which I want to provide.

I have decided to proceed with the advertising revenue model, although it remains an open option in the future to include subscription service components as well as selling products directly or through affiliate programs. I have decided to utilize Google AdSense, although it may be supplemented now or in the future with other ad networks. I do have to be cognizant about incorporating direct advertising competitors, and the policies of such advertising providers.

I have accounts with various Google services including AdWords which I have used in past ventures. I am generally familiar with Google services and there is a vast amount of information and mind-share on Google-ware. Dealing with the 900-pound gorilla of the industry can be challenging at times. As for example, Google AdSense does not offer direct end-user support, at least not to early upstarts such as myself. In contrast, Yahoo offers direct email and phone support for their Yahoo Search Marketing service, however I do not have experience with the Yahoo Publisher Network, or whatever they may be branded as nowadays, especially in light of the Microsoft search alliance. It is all too much to follow and track.

Blog Entries Listing
2010  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec 
2011  Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  Jun  Sep  Oct  Dec 
2012  Jan  Feb  Apr  May  Jun  Oct  Nov  Dec 
2013  Jan  Feb  Mar  May  Jun  Dec 
2014  Jan  Mar  Jun  Jul  Aug  Oct  Nov  Dec 
2015  Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Oct  Nov  Dec 
2016  Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec 
2017  Jan  Feb  Apr  Oct 
2018  Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr 
2020  Mar  Apr  May 

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