
Assassin's Creed Unity

With my purchase of the Asus Strix GTX 970 graphics card, I received a promotional coupon for one of the Ubisoft games The Crew™, Assassin's Creed® Unity or Far Cry® 4. Initially, I was interested in The Crew where the thought of traveling the continental USA by rapidly moving car seemed like a good idea - until I saw the Ubisoft trailers showcasing the game - I do not like the nauseating feeling of driving a video game car! I opted for Assassin's Creed Unity (ACU), even though I do not have a particular interest in the French Revolution.

I am not a gamer. My computer is used for a number of different purposes ranging from software programming, developing smartphone apps and 3D design & modelling. My recent foray into 3D design necessitated the purchase of the Asus Strix GTX 970 graphics card for 3D rendering purposes, not for gaming which is excellently supported by the GTX 970. I took ACU with the aim to push & test my GTX 970 graphics card and to experience the phenomenal graphics.

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The game (adventure) begins with the prologue "Kill the Assassin". I am Arno Victor Dorian as the player of ACU. The prologue introduced me to the in-game concepts and controls. The game, unlike real life, allows for multiple attempts (even after being "desynchronized", a euphemism for death). I was stuck in the prologue for a LONG time. If at first I don't succeed, try and try again.

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History was so boring in high school where it was a matter of memorizing events & dates and then regurgitating it in exams. The way history class was presented, it left little room for motivating interest or for making one think. History was compulsory back then, otherwise I would have dropped it. Movies and video games are good for learning history. Even though I am only early on in ACU, I have taken an interest in the French Revolution and the history of the Templars and Assassins in the history of France.

I am not particularly fond of the fighting and killing in ACU but it does reflect human civilization where conflict amongst humans is a constant happening and reality. In Sequence 1 - Memory 1: Memories of Versailles, I got to exercise running and chasing down Hugo but also I had to deal with his brother whom I had to fight. I was desynchronized many times (got killed by Hugo's brother or timed out on my mission to tackle Hugo who was running away).

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Sequence 1 is packed full of action and events. Élise De La Serre, daughter of François de la Serre, is the subject of my affection. She is a Templar while I will later turn into an Assassin (in the foot-steps of my deceased Assassin father). The Templar Order and the Assassin Order have a long history of conflict dating back before the 1300's (when the Prologue began) and their conflict continues during the French Revolution in the late 18th century.

At the end of Sequence 1, I witnessed the murder of my adopting father, François De La Serre (the Grand Master of the Parisian Rite of the Templar Order at the time of the French Revolution). I was the accused murderer and ended up in prison where I met Pierre Bellec, an Assassin who fought alongside my father and witnessed his death.

In Sequence 2 - Memory 1: Imprisoned - Knock Out the Thief, the storyline gets mythical (not unlike some movies). To escape from prison, I, along with Bellec, jumped off a building effectively killing myself, only to return in Sequence 2 - Memory 2 : Rebirth.

One objective in Sequence 2 - Memory 2: Rebirth is to investigate Sainte-Chapelle. I got to walk around Paris in the late 18th century during the French Revolution. To explore what I can do, I killed and looted two victims, accumulating items and Francs along the way. I can kill certain people like guards and thieves but I cannot murder regular people walking in the streets - my sword just goes through them without damage.

After figuring out how to navigate Sainte-Chapelle to continue my journey after rebirth and to join up with Bellec, I entered into the following scene. I've completed one pass of being desynchronized - I shall try and try again.

ACU Graphics Options for the Asus Strix GTX 970 graphics card

Proceed to the next Assassin's Creed Unity page.

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