
Quebec Separation

The Quebec provincial election is scheduled for April 7th, 2014. The Parti Québécois (PQ) party has included Quebec separation in their election campaign talks. PQ leader Pauline Marois has made headline comments:

  • Independent Quebec would welcome Canadian tourists
  • Sovereign Quebec would keep the Canadian dollar
  • Quebec would request a Bank of Canada seat

I felt patriotic heart-break in 1995 when the second Quebec referendum was held, and there was a side of me that said "Let Quebec go and get this over with!". If the third Quebec referendum does come about, I am feeling like 1995 - let them go! Quebec separation is not something I want to see happen but this repeating political distraction is not good for more important matters such as the economical well-being of Canada.

Suppose: The PQ party wins a majority in the April provincial election. The PQ party proceeds with Quebec Referendum 3 which is passed with 51.1% in favor. Quebec becomes a country but keeps much of what it already had as a province of Canada (debt excluded).

Imagine a divorce settlement: I don't want 50% of everything, I want 95%.

I watched the movie Trailer Park Jesus. As time passed, I kept asking myself why I was watching this movie. Before I knew it, the amusing movie was over. To my surprise, I looked up and found the IMDb rating of 7.4/10. "When a college student becomes stranded at a trailer park in rural Mississippi, he bargains his way home with a sheet of L.S.D." - people on acid have a great time hallucinating and dreaming.

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