
Social Login Preferences across the Web

For my link building objective and task, I am on many sites across the Web posting comments. I have accounts with Google, Yahoo, Facebook and Twitter, and where sites offer a choice, I login with my Twitter profile followed by manually entered signature (name plus URL). The reason I choose Twitter over Facebook is due to my personal paranoia with the sharing of my Facebook information to the Login service (e.g. Disqus). There is very little personal information on Twitter so I do not feel exposed.

Social Login

Data is from Janrain Engage based on login widgets on 300,000 websites.

Independent of my personal usage, I am somewhat surprised with the Google lead. With Facebook possessing more traffic with more loyalty than Google, I would have guessed that Facebook Connect is the leading choice for social login across the Web.

Google is competing on various fronts in an attempt to become the ultimate one-stop brand of all time.

  • Google is working on a Facebook-Killer (code name "Emerald Sea") - a "social layer" to encompass all of its products. Despite reports that political in-fighting is slowing Google's progress, there may be well-intended reasons for the internal in-fighting. This makes the different divisions or business units work harder to produce the winning solution which allows Google to charge with full vigor.
  • Google is competing on the Operating System front with Chome OS where it is penetrating Microsoft's arena as covered in the Microsoft Windows Revenue article.

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